Vokrug Sveta Grinders

Vokrug Sveta is a premium brand of seasoning blends in grinders that are united by the theme of a gastronomic trip. The blends have been developed with regard to the tastes and flavors of the countries we have already visited or dream to visit. For example, My Thai seasoning blend for fish makes you think about Thailand while kaffir lime and galangal reminds you of the richness of the traditional Thai cuisine but with no extra spiciness (so uncommon for the Russian taste).

Currently, grinders are produced in small, handy glass jars with efficient non-removable grinding heads.

 Japanese Seasoned Sea Salt with Wasabi

Морская соль ТМ Вокруг Света

Sea Salt

Adygei Seasoned Sea Salt with Garlic

Herbes de Provence Seasoned Sea Salt

Перец черный горошек Вокруг света


Приправа «Смесь перцев» Вокруг света

Pepper Mix

Аль Магриб — приправа для мяса Вокруг света

Al Maghrib Seasoning Blend for Meat

Балкан MIX — приправа из 12 овощей и трав Вокруг света

Balkan MIX of 12 Vegetables and Herbs

Viva Cuba — приправа для курицы Вокруг света

Viva Cuba! Seasoning Blend for Chicken

Приправа для кофе и десертов «Жозефина» Вокруг света

Josephine Seasoning Blend for Coffee and Desserts

Макарелла — приправа для риса и макарон Вокруг света

Macarella Seasoning Blend for Rice and Pasta

Мачете — острая приправа для гриля Вокруг света

Machete Hot Grilling Spice Blend

Мой Тай — приправа для рыбы Вокруг света

My Thai Seasoning Blend for Fish

Фрау Ангела — приправа для свинины Вокруг света

Frau Angela Seasoning Blend for Pork