GoGoRiki Kissel Mixes for Children Starting from 3 Years Old

Трапеза на второе

Trapeza is proud to introduce an innovative product:

  • It is a unique kissel mix containing only natural ingredients of the highest quality and enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids that has been developed by the leading specialists of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, well-known experts in healthy nutrition, and researchers from ChaSa Company (Spain)
  • Our kissel mixes are allowed to be used by children starting from 3 years old.
  • Our kissel mixes are enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids from plants.
  • Every box of kissel mix (350 g) contains a surprise gift — a set of temporary tattoos with specially designed GoGoRiki Indian characters.
  • A portal named chia4kids.ru was created to promote the concept “GoGoRiki Indians Love Kissel”.
Кисель вишневый «Смешарики» трапеза

GoGoRiki Cherry Kissel Mix

Кисель клубничный «Смешарики» трапеза

GoGoRiki Strawberry Kissel Mix

Кисель малиновый «Смешарики» трапеза

GoGoRiki Raspberry Kissel Mix

Кисель малиновый «Смешарики» трапеза

GoGoRiki Blackcurrant Kissel Mix